Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mini and Mighty

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing! Read about the smallest flashdrive yet.

USB drives were small enough before, but hey, gadgets are always evolving at a time where size still does matter.

Eagletec has developed pretty much the smallest flash drive yet at 19×15x16 mm. It still holds between 4 and 8 GB (depending on how much cash you’re willing to put down). The size is smaller but storage and pricing are still about on par with many other flash drives on the market today.

I’m definitely an advocate of the flash drive, I’m an advocate for multiple flash drives, but in spending so much time depending on one I know what problems arise when a normal flash drive is misplaces. I don’t know how I feel about shrinking my most misplaces gadget any further, even if the Eagletec Nano does come with a lanyard.

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