Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wii’re in Motion

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing about how the Wii remote can be made to measure actions more accurately.

The Wii continues to revolutionize gaming in its own right. Wii MotionPlus, released at the E3 media briefing is an accessory to that will make any Wiimote motions more accurate. This means that in Wii Bowling you better be very careful how you flick your wrist.

The accessory is a small white block that attaches to the base of the Wiimote in the same port the nunchuck usually fits. With the continued success of the Wii console, and its accessories, it’s nice to see this particular add on go directly back to basics. The original draw of the Nintendo Wii was it’s one of a kind controller and game play, the Wii MotionPlus should simply enhance what we loved so much in the first place.

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