Monday, June 15, 2009

Jedi Mind Tricks Coming to a Toy Store Near You

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing about how you can train to be a jedi.

I’ll have to see it to believe it, but a new toy due in stores this fall will “train you to use the Force.” Actually it just reads your brain waves to make a little ping-pong sized ball rise in a tube, but still its very cool.

The toy, created by Uncle Milton Toys, is the first of several new “brain-to-computer” toys hitting the market soon. It uses similar technology to a EEG machine, which is used by physicians to read brain waves.

The toy includes a wireless headset that you wear while concentrating on the ball and thinking about it moving. On Friday’s Good Morning America, the hosts played with toy and demonstrated how it worked.

The toy is marketed as a Jedi Force Trainer and has a voice over that will encourage you as you move through 13 “jedi training levels.”

The price is expected to be between $90-100 and will begin preselling on July 23.

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