Monday, June 15, 2009

Deliciously Musical

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing about the new ipod shuffle, and an idea for a case.

The new ipod shuffle is small and kind of lacking in Apple’s usual showy design department. A small silver brick that you could lose just as easily as you can buy one.

While much has been said about the design and the problems related to the ipod shuffle the fact is the bland little baby opens itself up to the design creativity to everyone else outside of the apple network. Chocoshuffle is just one such bit of designer brilliance. The ipod case is just as delicious as the name makes it sound. Basically you can dress your ipod as a lovely little piece of chocolate rather than as a sleek silver glob (this is much more cute).

The Chocoshuffle comes in dark chocolate, white chocolate, and strawberry chocolate. Just remember, just because this makes the new ipod shuffle a bit more interesting it doesn’t make the thing any less easy to lose.

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