Monday, June 15, 2009

Versatile Pictures

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing about a camera for action photographers.

Almost every digital camera these days comes with a setting for action shots. You want to take a picture of a track meet and cut down on the blur, it is possible. But what about taking a picture in the actual track meet? Or even better, while you’re in the process of skiing?

That’s what the Gopro Hero camera is all about. Not only is it a good quality camera, but it comes with mounts for everything from a car dashboard, to a helmet, or your chest. Sure, you’ll look a little weird, but the picture possibilities are surely worth it. It’s unfortunate that the camera works on AAA batteries, thus battery life will likely be sketchy, but it would be worse.

At $200 it’s not a real expensive camera, which is always a plus. The camera is small, and not waterproof in and of itself, but it comes with the shock resistant waterproof case to begin with. With summer on the way this could be just the thing to spice up those vacation pictures.

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