Monday, June 15, 2009

Gaming’s New Directions

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing about the GPS for the Gameboy DS.

So GPS is already travel friendly, but it’s always nice when you don’t have to invest in a completely new handheld.

The iphone and most other cell phones now come with GPS capabilities but what about gadget options? Well now, Gameboy DS can work just as well as a GPS navigator as any phone. Ranger will be the first navigation system suitable for Gameboy handhelds.

The Ranger is a plug in (rather than an application or game) for the DS and has 32 MB of extra storage. It comes with both visual and audio guidance and detailed information about local sites and locations.

If the Ranger had come out a few years earlier it probably would have been a bit more popular than it will be now. With cell phones, Garmin, and the ipod touch kids aren’t the only ones carrying around fun gadgets anymore.

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